Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Giving back to the community...

Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is gearing getting their holiday shopping done, going to parties and spending time with their family and friends.

For some though, the holidays are a particularly difficult time of the year - many families depend on the help of charity organizations in their area to get food on their table and a few gifts for their children.  I like to do what I can to share some holiday love with others less fortunate than myself.

I held a Customer Appreciation Open House for my Epicure business on November 28, 2011 and pledged to donate 5% of the sales to our local Food Bank...I am so pleased that I raised $115!  (thanks again to my amazing customers who participated in this event!)

Here are some ideas of things you can do to share the love this holiday season!

1.  Donate money to a charity that helps people in need at Christmas.
2.  Make a donation of your time to a local soup kitchen - consider helping with their turkey dinner.
3.  Look in your closets for gently worn coats, boots, gloves and scarves that you don't use and take them to a homeless shelter.
4.  Go to a senior's home and sit and talk to residents who don't have visitors coming to see them.  Stay and play a game of chess or cards.
5.  Donate some non-perishable food items to your local Food Bank.

Do you have any ideas to add?  Please share...

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