Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Halloween!

BOO to all my Epicure customers!

It's almost Halloween and if you are like me and have young ones in the house, then you are probably getting ready with costumes, and all the tricks and the treats!  I thought I'd share a fun idea I do every year...

A tradition in our home is my "Spooky Spaghetti Dinner" that precedes the night of trick or treating. I make a batch of turkey meatballs and serve them over black spaghetti noodles (available at Bosa Foods) with our favorite Tomato Sauce (Epicure's Margherita Seasoning)...I always garnish with a plastic eyeball right on the top, nestled amongst the meatballs! The kids love it.

Beware though, some don't like the black noodles (colored naturally with squid ink) so use regular ones for picky or "nervous to try new things" eaters or your dinner will not get gobbled up by your goblins!  

Here is Epicure's recipe for their Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner:  http://www.epicureselections.com/en/recipe/1769/spaghetti-and-meatballs
Eyeballs are easily found at a party supply store!

Have fun spooking!  Have a safe, and happy Halloween!


P.S.  I have an order going in this week if you would like to add anything on to it!  Thanks.  

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